Below are natural tips you can use to stop snoring fast 1. Side Sleeping If your snoring problem is minor, this just might do the trick. The biggest difficulty may become how to keep you on your side. Using a body pillow could be useful in maintaining the position. Ultimately, this position can prevent the relaxed and untoned muscles in the the throat from blocking the breathing passageways. An old remedy that could be useful is to tape a tennis ball to the back of your pajamas so you don’t roll onto your back. If you have a bed with a recline control, you can set the bed in an angled head-up position, which may open the nasal airway passages. 2. No Alcohol Drinking alcohol relaxes the airway muscles even more than normal causing further airway collapse and a worsening of the snoring. Limit alcohol consumption (for weight loss), best to totally stop and avoid drinking it at least 4hrs before going to bed. 3. Prevent mouth opening If you know that yo...
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